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   -  by  : Mr. S.Khongsai AAO,
OD/NB,LIC Kohima Branch,
SR 199955. Human Right Activist.
                       In the words of the Mahabharata,war begins in the minds of mankind.From prehistoric times due to scarcity of livelihood -be it food or shelter,violence had been committed either by mankind or wild animals.The Egyptian civilization,the Mesopotamian civilization,the Indus Valley civilization(perhaps),the Greek civilization,the Roman civilization and the Chinese civilization et al had been swept away by violence.The death-toll was countless.There was no love lost between human beings in the modern world due to existence of international boundaries.The western world spoke about the political philosophies of Equality and Freedom since the Renaissance.But,their outlook to the Oriental world-be they India,Indonesia,all of Africa,Philippines,China,Korea or Vietnam – remained adamant and atomistic.For instance,the spices brought from India and the East Indies could be sold more than 30 times in Europe.The right to sell Indian goods in Europe especially in England was curtailed by the British Indian laws on the other hand.These were flagrant violations of human rights.
The slave trade was a sign of indignity.The Negro slaves were meted out inhuman treatment in America and Europe.This was a human rights violations of the highest form.Abraham Lincoln,the 16th President of the United States,made the emancipation of the Negroes.However in South Africa, and in USA in the 1960s,racism could be seen before.This was so ugly in the modern world.The extermination of 6 million Jews by Hitler was also a result of racism.Racism should be evaded in all forms. The First World War and the Second World War cost millions of dollars and millions of lives.The recent nerve gas attack on the innocent civilians in Syria was shocking and heart-rendering.This was a case of higher form of human rights violations in the 21st century.During the freedom movement,many Satyagrahis were inflicted with unbearable injuries.The draconian laws passed under the Rowlatt Act in 1919 in India led to the massacre of innocent civilians in Jallianwalla Bagh on April 13,1919.This was a grave human rights violations.Religious leaders ,in the context India,should not instigate violence.India is a multi-religious country.As such,secular-minded religious leaders-in other words,humanists-should be selected as leaders.Religion teaches the love of humanity,goodwill,charity,prayer,service to mankind,etc.For instance,I am a Christian.But,my best friends are Hindus and Muslims.We should be broad-minded and humanistic.All forms of violence should be shunned by all like the Father of the Nation.In accordance with Article 14 of the Indian Constitution,the Right to Equality should be maintained.DO ONE’S BEST FOR HUMANITY. In the words of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,the human factor is the sine qua non of human organisations.Through the administrative thinker Elton Mayo,the human relations theory has been propounded and prime importance should be given to human beings-whether the person may be rich or poor.In the management world,the informal channel should be accepted such that there is what is called Grapevine Communication.In this way,there would be no violence mentally and physicall and one’s personal problems can be shared.On the other side,concern for others and higher productivity would be promoted.In the long run,the organisation will prosper and thrive under any circumstances.
                  The modern terrorism has claimed thousands of lives.The 9/11 incident tolled hundreds of lives.The 26/11 episode claimed many precious lives in Mumbai.The Taliban regime in Afghanistan impeded women’s rights,hanged many people ,bombed to death hundreds of people and shot innocent civilians.The Bosnia-Serbian imbroglio claimed thousands of precious lives.The Spanish gigantic ship Armada was destroyed in the Battle of Armada which claimed many navy soldiers of Britain and Spain.The Battle of Trafalgar led to the death of Lord Nelson and his men.The downfall of Napoleon was in the Battle of Waterloo.There was no love lost between nations.The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 claimed the lives of many great Indian fighters like Rani Lakhsmi Bai of Jhansi,Kunwar Singh,Tantiya Tope,Liyaqat Ali,Amar Singh,etc.The Israel-Arab War of 1967 claimed many innocent lives.This war lasted for 7 days.In short,WAR is a useless and an abominable word in the English Dictionaries.The results of war are death,poverty,disease,famine,creation of newly incurable diseases,destruction of forests,farmlands and ecology and all forms of pollution along with hatred and unforgiveness.Although Sir Albert Einstein was instrumental in making FAT MAN & LITTLE BOY-the names of atom bombs used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki-he was indeed deadly against their uses toward human beings.His handwritten letter to Pandit Nehru can be seen at Nehru Planetarium,New Delhi as he was a good friend of our former PM.Einstein recommended the use of nuclear energy for peacful purposes.Let us shun ALL FORMS OF VIOLENCE… JAI HIND

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