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Pentavalent Vaccine Introducedd in Dima Hasao Child Health Programme

Haflong, February 18: With rest of the districts of Assam the pentavalent vaccine was formally launched in a child health programme in Dima Hasao today. The programme was formally inaugurated by Nirmal Langthasa, Executive Member for Medical North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council in the office chamber of Joint Director, Health and Medical Services, Haflong,Dima Hasao.

The programme was organised by Dr. Krishna Kemprai, Additional Chief Medical and Health Officer (FW), Dima Hasao, Haflong. In her speech she highlighted the importance of Pantavalent Vaccine that needs to be accepted by the beneficiaries of Dima Hasao without any hesitation because of having no contraindication other than previous serious reactions to vaccines, having no serious side-effects and also can be given with other vaccines in addition to the immunization programme of DPT and Hepatitis B. In case the child do not receive any dose of Pentavalent vaccine within the first year of birth the child can be given DPT vaccine doses as per guidelines as before.                
In the outset Dr. Krishna Kemprai welcomed Nirmal Langthasa, EM, NCHAC, Haflong the  chief guest of the event and doctors, nurses, ANMS, Asha workers, media persons and other officers and staff who attended the programme. Nirmal Langthasa, EM, NCHAC in his short inaugural speech thanked all the officers and staff of Dima Hasao Health and Medical Services for making availability of Pentavalent vaccine in the district and hoped for better services for children in future. He also asked all the medical staff and workers including media persons, Asha, ANMS etc. to spread awareness about the vaccine so that the beneficiaries of Dima Hasao could avail the benefit of the vaccine.
Dr. Kalpana Kemprai, District Immunization officer and Dr. Shilpi Saikia also talked about the Pentavalent vaccine that may prevent 5 (five) deadly diseases namely, Diphtheria, Pertusis, tetanus, Hepatitis B and Hib for the babies to grow healthy.Towards the end of the programme, 4 (four) newly born beneficiaries were given the dose of Pentavalent vaccine for the first time and opened the gateway of Pentavalant vaccine application in Dima Hasao.The inaugural programme was also attended by Dr. Leena Hakmaosa, Rukmini Difeosa, District Programme Manger, NHM and other health workers. The programme ended with a vote of thanks.

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